Professional Development Experiences
Speech Sound Disorders / Therapy
January 2025: Choosing the Best Words for Articulation Therapy Using Facilitative Contexts (Rebecca Reinking, SLP, SLP Summit)
January 2025: What Every SLP Needs to Know about Executive Function (Tera Sumpter, SLP, SLP Summit)
January 2023: Apraxia Uncovered (Pamela Marshalla, SLP)
September 2022: Sensori-motor influences on speech perception in pre-verbal infants (Dr. Alison Bruderer, ICAP Conference 2022)
August 2022: Evidence Based Practices for Early _R_ Therapy_ Techniques You Can Use Today (Lindsay Hockle, SLP)
June 2022: The Easy R Therapy Program (Char Boshart, SLP)
January 2022: Complete R Remediation (Char Boshart, SLP)
November 2021: Twenty Interventions for Speech Sound Disorders: A Guide for Selection and Implementation (Lynn Williams, SLP)
November 2021: Therapy Techniques for Active Misarticulations Associated with Cleft Palate & Velopharyngeal Dysfunction (Lynn Marty Grames)
November 2021: Motor Planning: It’s Impact on Speech and Language (Joleen Fernald)
November 2021: Examining the Role of Cognition in the Perception & Production of Motor Speech Disorders (Lynda Feenaughty & Erin Ingvalson)
November 2021: Evidence-based Resources for Working with Children with Speech Sound Disorders (Sharynne McLeod)
November 20 (21: United for Success: How and Why to Consider Communication Partner Viewpoints on Motor Speech Disorders (C. Baylor & K. F. Nagel)
November 2021: A Boot camp Approach to the Remediation of /r/: A Case Series (Holly Rubinstein & Lindsay Scott)
December 2020: Childhood Apraxia of Speech: Intervention in Practice (Speech & Hearing BC)
February 2020: 5-Minute Kids: An Individual Drill Based Program for Students with Speech Sound Disorders (SLP Summit)
May 2018: Exploring Childhood Apraxia of Speech: Navigating Assessment and Designing Treatment (Lisa B. Mitchell)
September 2013: Cueing and Scripting Motor Speech Skills to Expressive Language in Childhood Apraxia of Speech (Kaufman)